Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Theory Of Psychology And Social View - 3117 Words

Abstract Although these two great minds of psychology have two different theories on how we as humans develop and learn, they have many similarities. I feel after researching and reading that the two psychologist lives themselves can provide more to the study of psychology and social view. I feel that their theories showed the contrast in ways of their social environment. Vygotsky being of the Russian Empire and the background of the Soviet Union that shows much determination to grow and individualize. And Piaget from the Western capitalist and the individualistic society in which he was raised. Their views can be sat next to each social environment and the thoughts that come from them can be seen in their own cultures on goings. I think that from this you will have a better grasp not only of the theories of the two individuals but a better grasp of the individuals themselves and their cultures they grew up in. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Great Minds born in 1896 the life and theories of two psychologists in cognitive development 5 1896 6 Jean Piaget 6 Albino Sparrow 6 Piaget’s Theories 7 Marriage and children 8 Piagets cognitive theory 9 Lev Vygotsky 10 â€Å"Mental Tools† 11 Zone of Proximal Development 12 The â€Å"More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)† 12 Compare and Contrast 13 Conclusion 15 Works Cited 16 Great Minds born in 1896 the life and theories of two psychologists in cognitive development â€Å"The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women whoShow MoreRelatedInterview With The Personality Theorist1318 Words   |  6 PagesSigmund Freud, and his daughter, Anna Freud. In addition, each theorist will explain what impact they believe their work has had on psychology as they see it today. 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